usually december 6 means winter in these parts

December 6, 2008

Yeah, December 6 means a lot of things to a lot of people, but around here, it usually means nothing, except it’s usually cold and wintry.

Cept, well, today it felt different somehow. Maybe cuz it was warm(ish) and sunny and the trails were in absolutely perfect condition. We rode the Suncrest Crack Loop (check out Sam’s stats for the ride here.)

A good day for a ride. The troops gather. That’s Brad popping up from the singletrack that runs behind those houses.

elden brad house

My neighbor Karl is clearly over dressed. I bet his toes are warm though.

karl suncrest singletrack

Brad at the Suncrest South overlook. I wish I could keep my fat fingers out of the frame. They say you can only do one thing with gloves on.

brad suncrest overlook

Um, Brandon, seriously, what IS that on your head?

brandon alien hat

Eric B. just before the magical downhill starts. Yup. It really is that nice out.

eber leaving suncrest tunnel

On the Crack downhill, Brad adds a degree of difficulty, with Kenny in tow.

brad dropping ramp

And, because I’m THAT good a friend, here’s Brandon, um, “negotiating” the ramp.

brandon negotiates ramp

Brad and Kenny hit the barrel roll portion, with Salt Lake far far (but not too far) in the distance.

brad kenny barrel rolling

Hey, a picture of me. How’d I do that?

dug launches on downhill run

Kenny railing the sweetly bermed corners. I think this is sweetly bermed corner number 100.

kenny finishes upper downhill

The don’t want you riding UP the downhill. Seriously, very grumpy German guys will yell at you if you try. And where do they get these German guys, considering this is Draper, UT. Maybe they’re imported.

elden finishes upper downhill

That whole valley above Brad IS the downhill. 1500 feet of natural, yet somehow manufactured joy.

brad finishes lower downhill 

Wait, there’s more. And apparently I’m being overtaken by a UFO.

oak hollow group

We finally run out of descent.

pool bridge

In Draper, where there’s a little room, there’s a trail.

golf course entrance

The Fat Cyclist himself.

elden golf course switchback

The trail just goes on and on (like this blog post).

brandon starts bst

Contemplating the final climb.

kenny elden clarks bridge

A barely discernible sign of Winter.

elden clarks snow

The final singletrack to home.

suncrest singletrack entrance

I LOVES me some Draper.

draper city sign

18 Responses to “usually december 6 means winter in these parts”

  1. brkeyes7 Says:

    That was the best December ride ever. Let’s do it again tomorrow.

  2. Bob Says:

    what time? I’m in

  3. Eber Says:


    Great ride, thanks for thr invite.

  4. Eber Says:


    Great ride, thanks for the invite.

  5. Jay Says:

    that looks amazing…can’t wait to try it out. Hope we are lucky enough to keep this weather.

  6. Eber Says:

    sorry…couldn’t get the edit in time.

  7. KanyonKris Says:

    Nice post. Crack and the other trails were indeed sweet – being December, even sweeter maybe.

  8. uncadan8 Says:

    Unexplainable Finger Obstruction?

  9. bikemike Says:

    if i were to ride the “Crack Trail” we have 2 miles out of town, i’d get hauled off to the pokey.

    awesome pictures, man.

  10. Flyin' Ute Says:

    Bro. We were up there on saturday as well, but I don’t know where this Crack trail is. How do I get to it.

    Also, it seems to me that Rick S. would have Nick Named this the Diet Coke trail, but go figure.

    Now that I’ve seen the pics I’m going to hunt it down and ride it.

  11. Rick S. Says:

    Flying’Ute: As good as Crack Cocaine is, I’m saving Diet Coke for the trail that Jamie is working on. Diet Coke is for climbers.

    It’s good to live in Draper. Like Dug, I have already picked out my burial spot in my backyard.

  12. KanyonKris Says:

    Ute – Here’s a map showing the trail head:

    See Brad’s blog for the whole ride route:

    Cross Or Crack

  13. B_banks Says:

    That was a great ride! Nice post and pics–except for the one showing my mad bike skillz on the log ramp ha ha……..good times man!

  14. VH1 Says:

    Thanks for rubbing it in SHEPHERD! As you were riding, I was halfway through brunch.

  15. forgingahead Says:

    That ride looks and sounds like it was total perfection! Thanks for sharing…love to live vicariously through you crazy MTB riders.

  16. Brandon S. Says:

    Nice pics. Cool to one of my favorite rides in picture form.

  17. BotchedExperiment Says:


  18. Ginger Says:

    Hurray for global warming??!!!!!!!!

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